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Dissemination and exploitation

S. Wogrin, I.C. González-Romero, D.A. Tejada, J.J. Valentín Vírseda, T. Gómez, E. Centeno

This task consists of those activities aiming at communicating, integrating, sharing knowledge, and disseminating STEXEM achievements to the target audience of the project such as GENCOs, TSOs, RE technology manufacturers, and, more generally, chambers of commerce and policymakers with regulatory impact. Dissemination activities aim at giving more visibility to the project’s achievements in nationally and internationally, thereby helping to deepen knowledge on the low-carbon energy transition to the targeted audience. As a consequence, we have set-up a web page with the activities of the STEXEM Project. On this web page, a brief description of the researchers and the working team is presented; additionally all STEXEM project-related conferences, publications and research stays are described. Relevant documents are made available on this webpage. The page is available in both Spanish (ES) and English (EN) to increase dissemination. The STEXEM web page can be accessed through the following link:[…]

Proyecto del IIT: STEXEM (STEXEM)

Entidad financiadora: Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad.

Fecha de publicación: 01-12-2020


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